Recording things i’ve done which don’t go under Papers, Talks or Newsletter: For current preoccupations, see here.
2024-12-23: Made a webscraping bot on mastodon:, which reports stats from PsyArXiv:
2024-12-19: Kate took this picture in Elm
2024-11-28/29: Represented UKRN at the Swiss National Science Foundation’s Research on Research Conference, Bern.
2024-10-23: Inaugural event of the AFIRE Funder Forum
2024-10-07: Nature editorial on our project with VolkswagenStiftung: New peer-review trial lets grant applicants evaluate each other’s proposals
2024-09: Trip to China. News story on this: Navigating Research Culture and Funding Practices: Highlights from Shanghai
2024-08-30: Article in New Scientist with Kate Dommett: Is digital technology really swaying voters and undermining democracy?. My newsletter on this
2024-06-21: Research Matters magazine (with Shaun Leamon): Experiments in research funding to reduce research bureaucracy
2024-06-18: Early results from our project with Volkswagen Foundation: Researchers optimistic about Distributed Peer Review
2024-06-17: Hosted AI replication game at University of Sheffield with the Institute for Replication
2024-05-23: Organised networking event for University of Sheffield editors
2024-06-21: 2024 Showcase for Data Analysis and Visualisation MSc Students
Febuary 2024: Oliver Bray shared his MSc project: Bray, O. J., & Stafford, T. (2024, February 5). No Far-Transfer from Ten Years of Feedback on Task Length Estimation: A Case Study. - see also Ollie’s blog: Can Feedback Improve Your Productivity Estimates? Data from a 10-Year Case Study Ollie Bray
2024-01-03: BBC Future article Tetris: How a US teenager achieved the ‘impossible’ and what his feat tells us about human capabilities
December 2023 : joined the PsyArXiv Scientific Advisory Board and approved as chair of the public engagement subcommittee.
2023-11-10; Worked with Lingyu-Meng on a novel visualisation of how group discussion shifts people’s opinions :
2023-11-07-: elected Chair of UKRN Institutional Leads group
Sept 2022 - Sept 2023 Coordinator for UKRN Open Research programme, workstream 1: training
2023 August made, showing change in crowdsourced ratings of summer movies:
2023 July Consulted on University of Sheffield Guidelines on Generative AI
2023-05-23 Analysis of Open Editors data:
2023 onwards: member of University of Sheffield Research Culture Steering Board, which provides leadership and coordination for the development of institutional research culture.
2023-05-18 Chaired UKRN/RoRI panel on The Future of Peer Review. (Recording, Slides)
2023-05-05 Co-author on UKRN working paper on Open Research Training Resources and Priorities, (news item)
2023-05-10 Cited in Science, Innovation and Technology Committee report on Reproducibility and research integrity. Written evidence:Commercial involvement in academic publishing is key to research reliability and should face greater public scrutiny
2023-04-15 Chaired Straight to the Facts: Can we save public debate? A dialogue with Will Moy
2023-02-19 Updated my minimal working example of RMarkdown + papaja + tenzing for APA formatted manuscript preparation, to include a rights retention statement :
2023-02-06 Teaching my MSc course in Data Management and Visualisation. Materials, all CC-BY, and containing many links and resources on all things research project management, data wrangling and #dataviz here
2023-02-01 and forever: taking part in UCU strike action
2023-01-24 Attended launch of N8 Research Partnership stands up for researchers with new Rights Retention statement
2023-01-17 Celebrating University of Sheffield announcing rights retention policy
2023-01-16 Retired the Choice Engine bot
2023-01-09 Graduation for Psychological Research Method with Data Science MSc class of 2021
2023-01-06 Updated: Experiment Design Checklist
2023-01-05 Christmas message 2022
2023-01-01 Archive of tweets 2008-2022
2021 onwards: member, University of Sheffield Open Research Advsory Group, “providing strategic leadership in the ongoing development, promotion and implementation of the policies and practices supporting the University’s commitment to Open Research”
2021 to 2024: member of University of Sheffield Research Excellence Working group, which developed, consulted on and agreed a common definition and understanding of ‘excellence’ for use alongside the institutional research strategy.
2021: The Experiment Design Checklist
Led development and adoption of the University of Sheffield statement on Open Research
2020: The Letters of Pope Gregory VII - pilot project (with Charles West and George Litchfield)
2020 onwards: member, University Vice President for Research’s Strategy Group (VPSG)
Animated Itinerary of King John, Mapping The Itinerary of King Edward I, Mapping Papal Letters (with Charles West)
2018: @ChoiceEngine - an interactive essay about the psychology of free will
2017 to 2021: member, University of Sheffield Open Access Advisory Group, representing Faculty of Science, providing strategic overview of scholarly communication
2017 Organised Mind Matters ‘a series of events based on various psychological research to bring knowledge to the general public and showcase Sheffield as a hub for psychology!’
2015 Data Scientist in Residence at See Folksy data analysis: buyer decision time
2012 - 2017 Wrote a column for BBC Future
2012-09 I wrote some of the code in LongArm, a robot which draws labrynthine patterns, by Matthias Jones
2012 September: The Cognitive Science Safari was a street-tour of classic social psychology experiments, in Berlin as part of the BMW Guggenheim Lab. I was on the cover of the Wall Street Journal.
2012-06-06: Fundamentals of learning: the exploration-exploitation trade-off
2012-06-04: New paper: A novel task for the investigation of action acquisition
2011: The Tea Taste Test – explaining why statistics are important to psychology, using a controversy of how to make a cup of tea.